کلاس های خصوصی آمادگی آزمون ها ی IELTS ، TOEFL ، GRE و زبان تجاری

کلاس های خصوصی آمادگی آزمون ها ی IELTS ، TOEFL ، GRE و زبان تجاری

تدریس خصوصی تکنیک های آزمون آیلتس IELTS ، تافلTOEFL ، جی آر ای GRE و آموزش مکالمات تجاری و مکاتبات بازرگانی به زبان انگلیسی
کلاس های خصوصی آمادگی آزمون ها ی IELTS ، TOEFL ، GRE و زبان تجاری

کلاس های خصوصی آمادگی آزمون ها ی IELTS ، TOEFL ، GRE و زبان تجاری

تدریس خصوصی تکنیک های آزمون آیلتس IELTS ، تافلTOEFL ، جی آر ای GRE و آموزش مکالمات تجاری و مکاتبات بازرگانی به زبان انگلیسی

نمونه اخبار انگلیسی

نمونه اخبار انگلیسی:

.New research on the power of smiling

پژوهش تازه درباره قدرت لبخند

There are any number of sayings about the power of the smile. ‘Peace begins with a smile.’ ‘A smile is the universal welcome.’ ‘Life is short but a smile only takes a second.’ All good advice. But it may not be as simple as that. According to new research, if you want to make a good impression when you meet people, it’s not just that you smile. It’s how you smile.

The study was carried out by the Go Group, a business support organisation based in Scotland. They looked at people’s reactions to different grins. They found that responses varied considerably.

Through this they say they have found three types of smile to avoid: The first is ‘The Enthusiast‘, very wide, all teeth showing, possible evidence that you canhave too much of a good thing. Then there is the ‘Big Freeze’, a fixed grin that looks practised and fake. Finally comes ‘The Robot’, a small, thin smile, lacking in warmth.

The group also warns about smiling too quickly, saying it can make you look insincere. The best smile, they say, is slower and floods naturally across the whole face.

a second
یک لحظه، یک ثانیه

to make a good impression
اثر خوب و مثبت به جا گذاشتن

خنده ها، نیشخندها

responses varied considerably 
واکنش ها بسیار متفاوت بود

to avoid 
پرهیز کردن، اجتناب کردن

علاقمند، مشتاق

have too much of a good thing
در اینجا: بیشتر از آن خوب به نظر می آید که بتوان باور کرد

غیرواقعی، جعلی

lacking in warmth
بدون احساس، فاقد گرمی، در اینجا: لبخند سرد

در اینجا: (در سراسر صورت) پخش می شود، پهن می شود

تفاوت HOUSE و HOME

The difference between HOUSE and HOME

Something that confuses people learning English is the difference between HOUSE and HOME

A HOUSE is the BUILDING where the majority of people live. It normally has bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room, a bathroom and a dining room.

A HOME is a PLACE where someone lives. Normally it is a house but it can be other things too: a narrowboat (a boat on a canal which someone lives in), a caravan (a house which is similar to a van or truck, which can be driven around) or an apartment (a kitchen, living room, dining room and bedroom(s) in a building that has other apartments in it). Home is often associated with a family and/or the place you feel attached to.

Types of Houses

There are many types of houses. One of the most common is a detached house – a house which stands on its own and touches nothing else).

Another type of house is a semi-detached house (called a duplex in the US). This type of house touches another house on one side, and they share the wall between them.

A common house in London is a terrace house (called a row house in the US) which touches another house on both sides.

A fourth type of house is a bungalow (called a ranch house in the US). This type of house only has one floor and doesn’t have any stairs. They are uncommon in the UK because they take up a lot of land but they are more common in the US.

So a HOUSE is a building where many people live and a HOME is the place you live.

Animals have homes but they don’t have houses (apart from dogs – a doghouse is the small wooden house where a dog sleeps outside).
What do we call a fox’s home? A den (the hole in the ground where a fox lives).
And a rabbit? A warren (the maze of tunnels underground where a large group of rabbits live).

نمونه Writing تافل

Writing Sample for TOEFL?

art or environment?

Frankly speaking, both art and environment are the most important things for human beings. But, if I want to choose which one is more vital than other, I absolutely choose the environment. However, art is one of the best forms of recreation that can calm emotion of people and help them to improve the quality of life, but I think that environmental issues are more urgent and essential for human life. There are numerous reasons to bolster my point of view. In the following paragraphs, I will explore a few primary ones.

In the first place, I would like to emphasize that the most important subjects which scientist concern about it is the possibility of human life in future. There is no doubt, all of us are aware of the harmful damages which humans consciously or unconsciously have inflicted on the earth. Humans are considered the most intelligent of species due to the their advanced and complex brain. Otherwise, they are also the most selfish from all of the creatures. Mankind during their life has done a lot of damages to the environment due to his selfish activities for having the comfortable and convenient life. For instance, deforestation in a large scale to build dwellings or structures has distracted the balance of ecosystem. Or consuming numerous natural resources without regarding the fact that whether these remain resources can meet the needs of our descendant or not. Hence, it is time for us to rectify these damages before it is too late and human beings encounter with serious problems in future.

Besides, the other issue of concern which is vital for human is depleting ozon layer in Antarctica due to the human interference. Using a lot of chemical material for having the better conditions of life has had damaging effects on ozon layer. 

Therefore, due to its damages, harmful Uv ray of the sun can reach the surface of the earth directly and causes skin cancers and other mortal diseases. Hence, attention to this phenomenon should be set in the primary policy of each countries.

To put in briefly, from the reasons which I mentioned above, we could say that however, art is a very important aspect of human life, but the environmental issues are more serious, and need more money than art do. Consequently, governments should promote the protection of our environment by donating funds generously and organizing campaigns to undo the harmful actions that we have done.

نمونه Reading تافل

Toefl Reading sample 

In 1881, a new type of weed began spreading across the northern Great Plains. Unlike other weeds, the tumbleweed did not spend its life rooted to the soil; instead, it tumbled and rolled across fields in the wind. The weed had sharp, spiny leaves that could lacerate the flesh of ranchers and horses alike. It exploited the vast area of the plains, thriving in regions too barren to support other plants. With its ability to generate and disseminate numerous seeds quickly, it soon became the scourge of the prairies.

To present-day Americans, the tumbleweed symbolizes the Old West. They read the Zane Grey novels in which tumbleweeds drift across stark western landscapes and see classic western movies in which tumbleweeds share scenes with cowboys and covered wagons. Yet just over a century ago, the tumbleweed was a newcomer. The first sign of the invasion occurred in North and South Dakota in the late 1870s.

Farmers had noticed the sudden appearance of the new, unusual weed. One group of immigrants, however, did not find the weed at all unfamiliar. The tumbleweed, it turns out, was a native of southern Russia, where it was known as Tartar thistle. It was imported to the United States by unknown means.

Frontier settlers gave the plants various names: saltwort, Russian cactus, and wind witch. But botanists at the Department of Agriculture preferred the designation Russian thistle as the plant’s common name. However, these botanists had a much harder time agreeing on the plant’s scientific name. In general, botanists compare a plant to published accounts of similar plants, or to samples kept as specimens. Unfortunately, no book described the weed and no samples existed in herbaria in the United States.

1. Which of the following can be inferred about tumbleweeds?

A. They have strong, deep roots.

B. They require a lot of care.

C. They reproduce efficiently.

D. They provided food for ranchers and animals.

2. The passage suggests that most present-day Americans

A. consider the tumbleweed beneficial.

B. don’t know when tumbleweeds came to North America.

C. have never heard of tumbleweeds.

D. believe tumbleweeds are newcomers to the United States.

3. It is probable that the “group of immigrants” mentioned in paragraph 3

A. was from southern Russia.

B. had lived in North and South Dakota for many years.

C. imported tumbleweeds into the United States.

D. wrote several accounts about tumbleweeds.

4. From the passage it can be inferred that the botanists at the Department of


A. could not find any tumbleweeds on the plains.

B. gave the names saltwort, Russian cactus, and wind witch to the tumbleweed.

C. could not decide on a common designation for the tumbleweed.

D. found it difficult to classify the plant scientifically.

Answer key: 1. C 2. B 3. A 4. D



It would be no exaggeration to say that no disease has had a more devastating impact on the history of mankind than malaria. Consider the numbers: an estimated one to three million people are killed each year by the mosquito-borne illness, most of them young children in sub-Saharan Africa. It is likely that the Plasmodium parasite that causes malaria has been with mankind throughout its entire development as a species, especially since a close relative of the parasite that causes malaria in humans is common in chimpanzees. In ancient times, malaria was not limited to sub-tropical areas. It was common in Rome, and it may in fact have contributed to the decline of the mighty Roman Empire. The great armies of the Persian king Darius III could not defeat Alexander the Great, but malaria managed to stop his armies upon his arrival in India. There is even speculation that malaria may have ended the life of the great Macedonian ruler, who died under mysterious circumstances in 323 BC. But one need not turn the clock back so far to see the effects of malaria on the world’s events. As recently as World War II, malaria was responsible for the deaths of sixty thousand American soldiers in the Pacific campaigns, and American troops were still dying from the disease as they waged battle in Vietnam in the early 70s. But the most important effect is in Africa, where the disease continues to devastate entire villages that, due to their proximity to sources of water, serve an important function as the bread basket of Africa. By killing entire families of farmers, malaria is perpetuating the circle of poverty that makes eradicating the disease so hard in the first place.

1.This article is mainly about

a) the link between malaria and chimpanzees,
b) the effect of malaria on the history of man,
c) showing that malaria is the deadliest
disease in the world,
d) the effect of malaria on the outcome of wars.

2. According to the article, which of the following
might represent the number of people killed
by malaria each year?

a) 800 thousand,
b) two million,
c) four million,
d) half a million.

3. In ancient times, malaria

a) was more widespread than it is now,
b) killed more people than it does now,
c) was limited to sub-tropical areas,
d) was used as a weapon by armies.

4. The article implies that

a) Alexander the Great would have conquered
India if not for malaria,
b) poverty in Africa is the result of diseases
like malaria,
c) Darius III was unable to defeat Alexander
the Great because of malaria,
d) malaria had an effect on the course of
human history.

5. The article establishes a link between malaria
and the outcome of World War II.

True                               False

6. What do you think the term “bread basket of
Africa” (underlined) means?

a) this is talking about an area of Africa where
baskets are made,
b) it refers to Africa’s food-producing regions,
c) these are stores where bread is made,
d) it is a generic term used to refer to any area

7. The last sentence implies that poverty
perpetuates malaria and vice versa.

True                  False

8. The mood of the article is

a) academic,
b) somber,
c) optimistic,
d) literary
Answer key: 1.b 2.b 3.a 4.d 5.fals 6.b 7.true 8.b