Unwillingness to Continue
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different Ways To Say I Love You In Other Romantic Words:
I adore you
I’m affectionate for you
I’m attached to you
I’m enchanted by you
You’re my enchantment
I burn for you
You fill my heart
I’m fond of you
You’re my missing piece
You’re the only one for me
I’m totally devoted to you
I’m infatuated with you
I’m mad about you
You’re all I see
I’m passionate about you
I’m enraptured with you
I relish you
You’re the light of my life
You’re my soft spot
I’m tender for you
I’m wild about you
I worship you
You’re my everything
I admire you so much
I adulate you
I more than care for you
I cherish you like nothing else
I delight in your company
No one matters but you
I dote on you
I’m falling for you
I fancy you
I only have eyes for you
I’ve flipped over you
You’re my hero
You make me feel young
You’re on my mind
You’re wonderful to me
You’re adorable to me
You amaze me
You blow me away
You electrify me
My feelings are overwhelmed by you
You make my life worth living
You’re my inspiration
You make me feel good about myself
I’m stupefied by you
I idolize you
I long for you
You’re my treasure
I delight in you
I glorify you
I laud you
I have a flame for you
You’re my object of affection
I marvel in your presence
I dig you
I totally go for you
You’re just my style
You’re my prize
I hold you in reverence
I venerate you
You comfort me
You nourish me
I enshrine you
I hold you dear
I honor you
You nurture me
You sustain me
I want you so badly
I’m crazy about you
I’m nuts about you
You’re my one and only
You’re everything to me
You complete me
You make me whole
I luxuriate in you
I need you more than anything
You’re special to me
You make me whole
I’m nothing without you
You’re the air I breath
I’ve looked for you my entire life
I miss you so much
I would be lost without you
You’re my savior
You’re my stars and moon
I’m bedazzled by you
You’re my aphrodisiac
I’m sweet on you
I glory in you
I savor every moment with you
I’m infatuated with you
I’m beguiled with you
I’m besotted by you
You carry me away
I’m charmed by you
I’m hooked on you
I’m intoxicated by you
You’re my indulgence
You’re my obsession
16 Ways to say “I Like It”:
1. I’m into it
this means you’re interested in an activity or a subject.
E.g. I’m really into playing football, I’m really into The Beatles, I’m really into Kung-Fu movies…
2. I’m keen on it
this just means that you’re interested in it, you like it, you want to learn more about it.
e.g. I’m really keen on playing the guitar, I’m keen on her, I’m keen on movies by Quentin Tarantino
3. I’m fond of it
this means you like it because you’ve liked it for a long time, and you have an emotional attachment to it.
E.g. I’m fond of my pet dog, I’m fond of my car, I’m fond of my family photos
4. It appeals to me
this means that it sounds/looks good or it’s a good idea.
E.g. living in Hawaii appeals to me.
5. It goes down well (with people)
this means that other people like something that you do.
E.g. This joke always goes down well, the presentation went down really well with the class.
6. It’s to my liking
this is just a formal way to say I Like It
7. I’m partial to it
this means I like to eat or drink something, maybe too much.
E.g. I’m partial to a glass of wine. I’m partial to a nice cake
8. I’m crazy about it
I just love it! I love doing it!
E.g. I’m crazy about playing the drums. I’m crazy about her.
9. I’m mad about it
this is the same as “I’m crazy about it”
10. I’m attached to it
this means I like it and I don’t want to live without it. I’d feel sad if I lost it.
E.g. I’m really attached to my mobile phone – I always have it with me.
11. I’m passionate about it
this means I’m really interested and excited about it.
E.g. I’m passionate about the music of Miles Davis. I’m passionate about doing charity work.
12. I’m addicted to it
this means I like it so much that I can’t stop doing it.
E.g. I’m addicted to playing PlayStation 3. I’m addicted to this TV programme. (we also use ‘addicted’ in a negative way – e.g. addicted to drugs, addicted to cigarettes)
13. I’ve grown to like it
this means you didn’t like it before, but slowly you have learned to like it.
E.g. I’ve grown to like the music of Radiohead.
14. I’ve got a soft spot for her
this means that you like someone a little more than you like other people.
E.g. My grandmother always had a soft spot for my sister. She was always her favourite grandchild.
15. I fancy her/him
this means you think someone is attractive, sexy, good looking. E.g. I really fancy Rachel McAdams (see picture below) – I think she’s gorgeous…
16. I can’t get enough of it
this means I love doing it and I don’t want to stop
e.g. I can’t get enough of this TV programme, I can’t get enough of Luke’s English Podcast!!
Common English Greetings and Expressions
عبارات رایج برای سلام و احوالپرسی
1. Hey, Hey man, or Hi
You can use “hey” and “hi” to greet someone instead of “hello”. Both are particularly popular among younger people. While “hi” is appropriate to use in any casual situation, “hey” is for people who have already met. If you say “hey” to a stranger, it might be confusing for that person because he or she will try to remember when you met before! You can also add “man” to the end of “hey” when greeting males. Some people also use “hey man” to casually greet younger women, but only do this if you know the woman very well. Remember that “hey” doesn’t always mean “hello”. “Hey” can also be used to call for someone’s attention.
2. How’s it going? or How are you doing?
These are casual ways of asking “how are you?” If you’re trying to be particularly polite, stick with “how are you?” but otherwise, you can use these expressions to greet almost anyone. The word “going” is usually shortened, so it sounds more like “go-in”. You can answer with “it’s going well” or “I’m doing well” depending on the question. Although it’s not grammatically correct, most people just answer “good” – and you can too. Like when responding to “how are you?” you can also follow your answer by asking “and you?”.
3. What’s up?, What’s new?, or What’s going on?
These are some other informal ways of asking “how are you?” which are typically used to casually greet someone you have met before. Most people answer with “nothing” or “not much”. Or, if it feels right to make small talk, you could also briefly describe anything new or interesting that’s going on in your life, before asking “what about you?” to continue the conversation.
4. How’s everything ?, How are things?, or How’s life?
These are some other common ways of asking “how are you?” They can be used to casually greet anyone, but most often they’re used to greet someone you already know. To these, you can answer “good” or “not bad”. Again, if small talk feels appropriate, you could also briefly share any interesting news about your life, and then ask the person “what about you?” or another greeting question.
5. How’s your day? or How’s your day going?
These questions mean “how are you?” not just right now, but how you’ve been all day. You would use these greetings later in the day and with someone you see regularly. For example, you might ask a co-worker one of these questions in the afternoon, or a cashier that you see at the grocery store every evening. “It’s going well” is the grammatically correct response, but many people simply answer with “fine”, “good” or “alright”. By the way, notice that “good”, “fine” or “not bad” are perfect answers to almost any greeting question.
6. Good to see you or Nice to see you
These casual greetings are used with friends, co-workers or family members that you haven’t seen in a while. It’s common for close friends to hug when they greet each other, particularly if they haven’t seen each other in some time; so you might use this greeting along with a hug or handshake depending on your relationship with the person.
7. Long time no see or It’s been a while
These casual greetings are used when you haven’t seen someone in a long time, particularly if you meet that person unexpectedly. How much is a long time? It depends on how often you normally see that person. For example, you could use one of these greetings if you normally see the person every week, but then don’t see them for a few months or more. Usually, these phrases are followed with a question like “how are you”, “how have you been?” or “what’s new?”
8. Good morning, Good afternoon, or Good evening
These are formal ways of saying “hello”, which change depending on the time of day. Keep in mind that “good night” is only used to say “good bye”, so if you meet someone late in the day, remember to greet them with “good evening”, rather than “good night”. Good morning can be made more casual by simply saying “morning”. You can also use “afternoon” or “evening” as informal greetings, but these are less commonly used.
9. It’s nice to meet you or Pleased to meet you
These greetings are formal and polite. If you say this to someone when you meet him or her for the first time, it will make you seem courteous. Remember to only use these greetings the first time you meet someone. Next time you see the person you can show that you remember him or her by saying “it’s nice to see you again”.